Sunday, February 24, 2013

Beethoven - Pastoral Symphony (1st Movement)

This was all part of a dream, the background music I suppose. In the dream, I was travelling on a giant bus that had a labyrinth of rooms and levels. It seemed almost "Alice in Wonderland"-ish while I was moving from room to room. In the end, I was just trying to find my way out. I finally did and I think the music played there. At the end, I (or the character I was in the dream) was embraced by friends & family (and licked by a dog at one point).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Toto - Change of Heart

See video from previous day. I hate repeats but they happen sometimes. I guess my brain is on a loop.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Magic Pie - Freakshow

I couldn't find the first song I woke up with. All I had in my head was an organ riff and I couldn't figure out which song it was. So, here is the second song.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

REO Speedwagon - Unidentified Flying Tuna Trot & Beastie Boys - Fight for Your Right (to Party)

REO was on my brain the first time I woke up this morning.
The second time, it was "Fight for your Right to Party" but it wasn't the Beastie Boys performing it. It was AC/DC. I saw it in my dream. I'd like to see it for real.