Saturday, June 30, 2012

Giant - Lay It On The Line

This is the second Giant song to appear in the month of this blog's existence. Interesting but does it mean anything? I had a long talk with my friend Jeff yesterday. I mentioned the blog and he had (as always) some challenging questions. He asked, "How does the song affect your day?" For example, does a heavy metal song mean I'm angry or a mellow song mean I'm feeling serene. It's a good question but I don't really have an answer...yet. It's something I'll have to think about over the coming weeks. My theory is that sometimes it may be a result of how I was feeling the day before but I also believe that some of the songs are just random. I really think my brain is a jukebox set on shuffle and what comes up is by chance. Does anyone out there have any insight into this? I'd love to hear from you.

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