Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Jacksons - We Can Change The World

I had a hard time getting up this morning. I woke up multiple times but went right back to sleep. Every time I woke up, I had a different song in my head but I can't remember what they were. This is the one I can remember.
I don't want to get overly pessimistic today but this song prompts me towards thinking about how I used to think I could change the world. Do all young people think they have the power to change things? I did. Unfortunately, that feeling was driven out of me by the realization that I couldn't. There were too many people with agendas and just enough power to keep me from doing what I thought was right. So, I stopped trying. Now, I quietly send forth my ideas thru my art. Perhaps I am changing the world a bit.
We have a magnet on our fridge by artist Ray Troll that says, "Artists and writers, alone in their chairs, changing the world one line at a time." That's me. Hours alone in my studio making art out of the weird ideas that burst out of my head, hoping that someone will see it and connect with it. It's what I'll be doing today, tomorrow and every day I can for the rest of my days. I'd better get to it.
See you tomorrow.

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